Advent calendar with your own photos – printable freebie
Use your own pictures
Count the days until Christmas with this multilingual printable advent calendar. Use your own photos, or draw pictures in each box. Fun to do with kids! (But let an adult do the cutting). The headline is also editable, giving you lots of language options!
Choose between leaving each door attached when opening, or to be removed completely on each day, revealing a cheerful gallery wall of pictures of your own choosing. One each day until the holidays.
Download the files from our freebie page and make your own version!
How to edit the greeting
• Open the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader
• Edit the greeting
• Print using the highest printing quality and no page scaling (100%) on cardstock or photo quality paper
How to add your own pictures
• Collect 24 square pictures (you can easily crop them on your phone or favourite software)
• Open the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader
• Click a number and add your picture
• Repeat for all numbers
• Print using the highest printing quality and no page scaling (100%) on cardstock or photo quality paper
• Use the Draw your self version and make each square your own artwork
• Use the bonus pictures on the freebie page instead of or in addition to your own pictures
• Use the white picture in the bonus picture set, and add that to any square you want to draw something by hand
How to cut the frames
• Use a cutting mat, a paper knife and a metal ruler
• Be safe and don't let children use a knife
• Cut each frame, but not fully, just so it still stays attached, but is easy to remove later. Cut the corners good, that makes it easier to open. Leave a little bit in the middle of each side you cut.

• Make sure to put the front on top of the inside, and that they are both turned upwards
• Glue edges together or use double sided tape
• Optional: put a piece of ribbon or a paper clip as a top holder to be able to hang your advent calendar easily
All done!
Enjoy opening your advent calendar each day until Christmas.
Happy Holidays!